Category Archives: Everyday
Doorway on the Ancha
It is difficult to imagine how a run down place like this with such a narrow doorway could require six electric meters. Who knows. Sept 2019.
Loreto Festival
Five in the morning and bounced out of bed with fireworks. Our annual Loreto Festival gets under way. Sept 2019.
Rainy Season
Loreto, San Miguel de Allende. August 2019.
Hidden San Miguel
The cloister of the Convento de San Antonio, one of two cloisters attached to the Templo de San Francisco, is an active religious space and not open to the public, although I managed to sneak this photo today when the … Continue reading
Family Outing
Correo, San Miguel de Allende, July 2019.
Plaza Civica San Miguel
Plaza Civica, San Miguel De Allende, July 2019.
Fifty Years Ago
This photo of the Parroquia in San Miguel, when the moon happened to appear directly overhead on the axis of the nave, was taken almost exactly fifty years after I visited San Miguel on July 20 1969 and first saw … Continue reading
Numero 28, Amsterdam Avenue, NY
Sidewalk Café, Numero 28 on Amsterdam Avenue, New York, Upper West Side. Another in a series of everyday scenes in New York. July 2019.
NY Subway, Grand Street
Another in a series of everyday scenes in New York. July 2019.
Subway, 3 Train, 14th Street
Another in a series of everyday scenes in New York. June 2019.