Category Archives: New York
Remembering 9/11
Although it is now seared into my memory, there was not a great deal of concern at first as we stood there in Union Square looking at the towers outlined against a beautiful blue fall sky. We were at first … Continue reading
Hit by a Mini-Twister
New York is not exactly Alabama, but last night, out of nowhere, a violent thunder and lightning display, a mighty roaring noise, and while we wrestled unsuccessfully to try to close the front door against the incredible wind, a mini-twister … Continue reading
Bubble Boy
Never a dull day in Central Park. We rarely walk through without something going on. This morning, a guy making giant soap bubbles just for the fun of it. If only these could be frozen in time and left there. … Continue reading
Art, Art, Art
The rear end of a rapidly tarnishing gilded bronze of General William Tecumseh Sherman being painted by a none too friendly artist (as it turned out) with a straw hat, about to be cocooned by the spider-like public art piece by … Continue reading
Spring in Central Park
Arriving back in New York at this time of year is not exactly a chore. The forsythia and cherries are just blooming and Central Park is as wonderful as ever. This photo was taken yesterday on our daily walk through … Continue reading
That’s not the Jardin
No indeed. Back in the Big Apple. Much the same as San Miguel except for the tacos. Constant activity, good food, and great friends.