Category Archives: Photography
Fall Colors
Taken from the Wallkill Valley Railroad Bridge, the hillside houses of Rosendale, an old cement mining town on the southern fringe of the Catskills, are still partly hidden by the fall leaves.
All Night Long
We are so used to fireworks in San Miguel that we can usually sleep through them, but at the Feast of San Miguel at the end of September each year they go on all night, climaxing in this show at … Continue reading
For the Festival of Saint Michael the Danza de los Voladores (Dance of the Flyers) is now an integral part of the festivities. Here a Volador, swinging on a slowly unwinding rope from the top of a twenty meter pole, … Continue reading
Guns and Roses
Well, not roses, but small colorful dolls. Today, the Governor of the State of Guanajuato is in town, his presence being evident from the hoards of M-16 toting police and army stationed all around as he attends the Mayor’s speech … Continue reading
Viva Mexico
At this time of the year, almost on a daily basis, we hear the drums of one parade or another at the end of our street. In this instance, we dashed out to meet the Independence Day parade on Mesones … Continue reading
Neat Graffit
Humming birds, Colibri, are everywhere here in San Miguel, and today we came across this great mural, one of dozens on walls all over Colonia Guadalupe. We think they are all the work of one artist, who doesn’t seem to … Continue reading
Perfect Manners
New Yorkers, the agent in his glass booth insisted when we recently went through immigration in Texas after flying in from Mexico, acted like deranged pirañas, fighting to get into the Subway, and stepping over dead bodies lying on the … Continue reading
Birds, Bells, Bangs, and Barking
There is nothing nicer than to go onto the roof and sit under the Palapa as the sun comes up. Birds of all inclinations are twittering for attention, including the finches nesting in our bamboo; the bells of the surrounding … Continue reading
Rancheras For Rancheros
Yesterday evening in the Jardin, with very few people around, a group of Rancheros (or possibly just some locals with enough money to own horses) came past the Parochia, and happened upon a group of Mariachis who were there and … Continue reading
Egg Bonking Again
I had intended posting this at the beginning of February, but better late than never. Every year, for a couple of days before Lent, folks in San Miguel go nuts smashing confetti or ash-filled colored eggs, known as cascarones, on the heads … Continue reading