Category Archives: New York
Frank Gehry, How About That
This trashcan has suffered some tragic mishap but continues to soldier on like all true New Yorkers. I was tempted to adopt it and add it to my found art collection. Click on the photograph for an instant view of … Continue reading
Broadway and 92nd Street
Another in a series of everyday life in New York.
It Isn’t Sticking
Just another New York pic. At this time of the year the warm street surface melts the snow so it doesn’t stick, but it still improves the look of the parked vehicles.
All Sorts
New York is probably one of the best examples of a multi-racial society. You never know who you may be sharing a bus with. Most of us identify as New Yorkers first and foremost, and whatever else comes in second. … Continue reading
Way to Go
Snowing again in New York, but this time only enough to make everything look nice. Here, Guy Marcellus, our Haitian Via driver today heads downtown on Broadway. If you don’t know Via, check them out. Anywhere below 110 street for … Continue reading
Here Comes the Sun
Broadway and 94th Street, New York. There is still a lot of snow about, and nasty pools of frozen water at the crosswalks to jump over, but the weather has warmed up a lot and our neighbors are out and … Continue reading
There Are Cars in There Somewhere
At 26.8 inches (680 mm), the second largest snowfall in NY history. The record was just one tenth of an inch (2.5 mm) more.
Sweating it Out
Another image in the Subway nearly fifty years ago. In those days, no air conditioning, just a series of large ceiling fans which blew hot fetid tunnel air onto your head. In 1968 the service was horribly unreliable, with faulty … Continue reading
Suits and Ties?
Another black and white subway shot, but look carefully – suits, ties, haircuts, giant newspapers you had to fold to read, no iPhones, and those terrible old hand grabs that split your skull if you accidentally stood up directly under … Continue reading
Back on the Bus
This small boy, on the Uptown M7 bus today, had nothing to do with the two older ladies with walkers, but being New Yorkers, both of them immediately adopted him and spent the rest of of the journey explaining the … Continue reading