Category Archives: Photography
One of the best things about living in Mexico is that fruit and vegetables are grown in profusion, particularly in the area around San Miguel de Allende. Here, one of the merchants in the Tuesday Tianguis, a giant outdoor market … Continue reading
Hand-me downs
It is difficult to tell whether this gentleman is just wearing hand-me-downs, or has shrunk. But he is typical of many aging Mexicans who have worked hard all their lives, and with leathery sun-baked skin trudge slowly home at mid-day … Continue reading
Singin’ in the Rain
On our first day back in Mexico, an early evening rainstorm glazes the stone sidewalks of San Miguel and provides an opportunity for the town’s teenagers to get damp.
From the Archives
Recently, I have been going through the thousands of color slides I have taken, many languishing for over fifty years in their yellow boxes, and archiving and scanning the more interesting ones. This I took using a Zeiss Contax II … Continue reading
Stuck on the GW Bridge
This last weekend there was a tragic tractor trailer accident on the GW Bridge, and as luck would have it, we happened to be crossing it the following morning when they decided to remove the wreckage by crane resulting in … Continue reading
San Juan Chamula
In San Juan Chamula, high in the hills of Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico on the border of Guatemala, traditional dress is still universally worn. The men wear these woolen coats, white in summer, black in winter, while the … Continue reading
Palenque is one of the best-preserved Pre-Columbian sites in Mexico. Here, the top of the Pyramid in which the Mayan king Pacal the Great was entombed after his death in 683, is seen from within the ruins of the Royal … Continue reading
The Concha dancers drums are now silent, but still, every evening, while three troupes of Mariachis compete in different corners, a group of young breakdancers practice in the bandshell in the center of the Jardin in San Miguel, adding the … Continue reading
A Murmuration of Cowbirds
Yesterday evening I got to go to the top of the lake in El Charco, the nature preserve and botanical garden just above San Miguel. Here, every evening, Cowbirds form rolling and weaving murmurations as they come home for the … Continue reading
More Concheros
It was impossible to resist posting some more. Each year the adornments get more and more elaborate, each a great source of pride for their owners. These concheros come from all around to spend the day in San Miguel and … Continue reading