Category Archives: Photography
Not New York
Back in New York we behave ourselves and like true minimalists stick to white on white on white. In Mexico we let rip and chuck a bit of color about. Here our front mini-patio is being repainted in blue against … Continue reading
Fiesta de la Candelaria
In Norte America the Second of February is Groundhog Day, in Mexico, El Dia de la Candelaria or Candlemas. Catholics celebrate this day as the Feast of the Purification, or as the Presentation of Christ at the Temple, when Jesus … Continue reading
More Mojigangas
Another Mojiganga, as these twenty foot tall papier maché puppets are called, the operator inside often given away by a large pair of workboots appearing beneath the delicate skirt. Skeleton images, in all forms known as calacas, are generally depicted … Continue reading
Back to Today
More or less fifty years on from the last two posts, this picture could just as easily have been taken back then. I wish I could understand Spanish well enough to listen to his story. He seems to have half … Continue reading
Back to San Miguel, But Look Carefully
Again from the archives, an old Agfacolor slide, showing the colonnade in the Jardin in 1969 on my first visit here. Still almost indistinguishable from today other than for the food stalls between the columns. I think that dog is … Continue reading
From the Archives: 1960
Sperlonga, a village poised on the top of a rocky crest on the coast, is located half-way down the boot of Italy, near the Via Appia and the Pontine Marshes. Site of the villa of the Emperor Tiberius, it is … Continue reading
From the Archives: 1969
One of my major projects now is digitizing the tens of thousands of color slides taken over the years, and carefully stored in exactly the way they tell you not to. Nevertheless, with the help of a Nikon D5000 scanner, … Continue reading
Fall Color
The Fall colors have been wonderful this year, somewhat later than usual, and lasting for several weeks rather than several days which is more normal. Perhaps one of the few pleasant consequences of climate change.
We’ll Soon be Drinking That
Just south of Woodstock, in the southern Catskills, and just inland of Kingston, the Ashokan Resevoir is the main source of water for New York City, sitting in a largely unspoiled watershed area. We get to come through here each … Continue reading
Musical Interlude
An itinerant base player hurries back to his instrument after grabbing a taco at a local street food stand. In the background the Templo del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri, founded over three hundred years ago, which stands at the … Continue reading