Category Archives: Photography
That’s not the Jardin
No indeed. Back in the Big Apple. Much the same as San Miguel except for the tacos. Constant activity, good food, and great friends.
Lights out
Yesterday evening, as happens from time to time in San Miguel, the lights went out in our part of El Centro (on the right side of this picture). So we upped and crashed with friends who live up on the … Continue reading
Hedwig and the Angry Inch in SMA
Today, Hedwig and the Angry Inch (the real deal) managed to draw a packed crowd from the aging rocker gringos in San Miguel, plus a respectable showing of some younger and more local faces which was a nice change. The … Continue reading
Cactus that yells at you
Where we come from, cactus are lumpy objects, won in raffles or bought in Ikea, that sit on shelves gathering dust and wilting until bits fall off. Here in Mexico they jump up and down and surprise you by frequently … Continue reading
Monarchs – on their way through SMA
Having lunch on our roof yesterday we were entertained by a steady stream of Monarchs fluttering North over the City, some stopping briefly to feed on our flowers. We particularly love this, as we will see them again when we … Continue reading
Although, with the advent of washing machines, Lavaderos, or public washing places, are not as heavily used as in the past, they are still a common sight in Mexico. Here in San Miguel, this Lavadero, just above Parque Juarez is … Continue reading
White-faced Ibis
One of the many delights in San Miguel is to watch the birds fly over the city just after dawn and return back to the lake at sunset. Everyone in SMA seems to have a different opinion as to what … Continue reading
Sopa de Pato. What to do with the feathers?
Last Friday we were awakened at seven by the sound of drums coming from the Jardin. This troupe of traditional indian dancers, one of several in for the day, kept at it until about nine in the evening, when they … Continue reading
So, where to begin. This website will be dedicated to bits and pieces from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (right in the middle), and New York, both City and State, and wherever else we end up. Hopefully, what we post … Continue reading