Category Archives: Photography
A Wotsit of Angels
A gaggle, a giggle, a flight, an exultation ? Actually I think it is a choir, but anyway, we came across this stack of portable angels, each resting on their carrying sleds, in a courtyard in the back of the … Continue reading
Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza
Last night in the Plaza de Toros in San Miguel, we had the privilege of seeing Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, acknowledged as the World’s greatest rejoneador, or horse bullfighter, perform. To watch the way this Spaniard and the several remarkable … Continue reading
Cute, Cute, Cute
Now I hate cute, but sometimes it is irresistible. This house on Hernandez Macias in San Miguel, between Pila Seca and Umaran, has weathered like a Hollywood set designer’s dream. I would groan if I saw it in a movie, … Continue reading
A frequent sight in San Miguel are the Mojigangas or Locos as they are more commonly known. These twelve-foot high giant sized puppets cavort and dance in the Jardin or down the streets during parades. While found elsewhere in Mexico, … Continue reading
Egg Bonking 2012
Once again, for a couple of days before Lent, the young folk in San Miguel go nuts smashing confetti or ash-filled colored eggs, known as cascarones, on the heads of each other and of innocent bystanders. Sitting on the low walls surrounding … Continue reading
Cactus Fruit and Pumpkin Seeds
A regular sight on the streets of San Miguel, in this case on Relox, are the little old ladies who come in from the Campesinos to sell whatever they can harvest – from pumpkin seeds to cactus fruit, which the … Continue reading
Low Tech Roadworks
Compared to the din of mechanical equipment tearing into the asphalt in New York, the clink-clink of a road gang in San Miguel is a delight. This is the standard method for repairing any of the streets here, and is … Continue reading
The Country – Too Much Uncooked Meat Running Around
When we arrived at our upstate house last week we were confronted with this doe, with a “what the hell do you think you are doing here” expression on its face. To some folks this is very cute. To Helga … Continue reading
Art, Art, Art
The rear end of a rapidly tarnishing gilded bronze of General William Tecumseh Sherman being painted by a none too friendly artist (as it turned out) with a straw hat, about to be cocooned by the spider-like public art piece by … Continue reading
Spring in Central Park
Arriving back in New York at this time of year is not exactly a chore. The forsythia and cherries are just blooming and Central Park is as wonderful as ever. This photo was taken yesterday on our daily walk through … Continue reading