Category Archives: San Miguel de Allende
Women’s Day in SMA
Women’s Day here in San Miguel was characteristically noisy and festive, headed by an all-woman Mariachi band who were all rather better musicians than the guys we normally see here in the Jardin.
Pumpkin Seeds
Immaculately dressed as always, this lady sits for hours waiting for customers for her bags of pumpkin seeds in San Miguel.
Traditional Food From the Campesino
Each day, traditional dishes are brought in on the bus from the campesino for sale in the little square at the end of our street. One wonders how long this traditional food will last as the fast-food chains make constant … Continue reading
Mexican Roots
Mexicans are now one of the most racially integrated societies – most Mexicans have inherited genes from all over the globe. But it is wonderful to see some faces that still clearly exhibit features characteristic of the first Mesoamerican cultures … Continue reading
Another Cactus Person
Organo cacti often get damaged but energetically regrow themselves, as with this goofy looking, but friendly, example.
Authentic Concha
The sound of drums alerted us that Concha dancers were performing today on Insurgentes here in San Miguel. These traditional Aztec and Chichimecan dances date from pre columbian times. Sometimes costumes can be less than convincing, but the group that … Continue reading
Über Arrives in San Miguel, With a Smile
Über, who have been operating in other Mexican cities for a while, began service in San Miguel one week ago. Our first trip was with this charming driver, Marisela Guadalupe. She was waiting outside our house when we stepped out … Continue reading
Car Whas (sic)
Our housekeeper’s son, Cesar, recently moved his Los Pitufos (Smurfs), car wash to the Libramiento de Dolores Hidalgo, a ring road that skirts San Miguel. Recently his equipment was stolen, and we were happy to be able to help him … Continue reading
The Rainy Season
It is the rainy season in San Miguel, and many evenings, just as you are ready to sit outside and enjoy a Margarita, the heavens open up and it buckets down for an hour or so. San Miguel is built … Continue reading
Mini Mexidog
Dogs, dogs, everywhere. Particularly the tiny ones which Mexicans love. A preference that perhaps would improve New York instead of the massive megacanines that seem to be the favorite there. Thanks to this one in particular for posing so nicely.