Category Archives: San Miguel de Allende
Traditionally in Mexico, the main meal, Comida, happens in the early afternoon. Hundreds of these colorful tiny storefronts, like this small restaurant on the Calzada a la Estacion, do not hesitate to use color and great hand-painted graphics to grab … Continue reading
Watch Where You Tread
In San Miguel, with its ridiculously narrow sidewalks, irregular surfaces, cobblestones, and missing access covers, you can’t walk and look at the same time – you need to keep your focus clearly on the ground. However, this can be an … Continue reading
The Excuse Me Chicken Shop
The real name is the Polleria Zaragoza, but it is known locally as the Polleria Con Permisso, which, roughly translated, means the “Excuse Me Chicken Shop”. Just to add to the confusion, it sells mainly vegetables and fruit. At about … Continue reading
Nuestro Señora de la Salud
The Templo de Nuestra Señora de la Salud (Church of Our Lady of Health), San Miguel de Allende, dates to the 18th century and was designed by Luis Felipe Neri de Alfaro. This church was formerly the chapel of the … Continue reading
Pop-Up Protest
Throughout Mexico, shrines to the massacred Guerrero students continue to appear, some permanent or some as pop-up vigils as here in front of the Templo de Nuestro Señora de la Salud, San Miguel de Allende. Despite the disregard for law … Continue reading
Not Sure What They Are, But They Taste Great
We think these rather interesting fruit are Maguey, which is the fruit from the Agave, the big spikey-leaved plant from which tequila and mescal are also made. We bought a couple, and when split they have a very large shiny … Continue reading
Las Monjas From the Bellas Artes
The upper gallery of the newly restored Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes building in San Miguel de Allende gives a splendid view of the dome of the church of the Convent of La Concepción, known locally as Las Monjas, literally, … Continue reading
Not New York
Back in New York we behave ourselves and like true minimalists stick to white on white on white. In Mexico we let rip and chuck a bit of color about. Here our front mini-patio is being repainted in blue against … Continue reading
Fiesta de la Candelaria
In Norte America the Second of February is Groundhog Day, in Mexico, El Dia de la Candelaria or Candlemas. Catholics celebrate this day as the Feast of the Purification, or as the Presentation of Christ at the Temple, when Jesus … Continue reading
More Mojigangas
Another Mojiganga, as these twenty foot tall papier maché puppets are called, the operator inside often given away by a large pair of workboots appearing beneath the delicate skirt. Skeleton images, in all forms known as calacas, are generally depicted … Continue reading